Get Social Media Savvy with the 4 E’s Framework

Here at We are KIN Creative we believe that being Social Media Savvy can give your business a significant advantage over your competitors.

Below are 4 simple ways your business can engage with customers and build a strong online presence through the means of Social Media.

Let’s get Social Media Savvy…


Add humour, interesting stories, or captivating visuals to keep your audience engaged. 

By making people laugh, your brand will create a positive association to your products and services. This makes people view your brand in a more positive light, which can lead to more loyal customers. Investing time into creating and choosing the correct visuals for marketing campaigns will help capture the attention of potential customers, leading to increased engagement rates.




Share valuable knowledge, tips, and insights to position your company as an industry expert.

Sharing valuable content on your website or social media channels will improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for potential clients to find you online. This can also encourage engagement from your audience, which can help you gain valuable feedback.



Encourage two-way conversations, respond to comments, and ask questions to foster interactions.

Engaging in conversations and responding to comments shows that your business values it’s customers and their opinions. By actively participating in discussions you can establish a personal connection and build long-term relationships with your customers. 




Inspire your audience, make them feel empowered, and show them how your content can improve their lives.

When your audience feel inspired and empowered, they are more likely to engage with your content. This could include commenting, sharing or purchasing your products or services. This can also lead to positive word of mouth marketing, when clients share content with friends and colleagues. Helping your business reach a wider audience and potentially attracting new customers.

If you would like to find out more on how we can help your business stand out from the crowd on Social Media, contact us here.